Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's official...I am a runner, or I will be one very soon.

I've been flirting with the sport of running for about the last year.  I get into a groove and then something happens---life, work, a car accident, etc.  But now that I am finally cleared to return to regular activities (since the car accident), I am excited to hit the proverbial pavement.  I am registered for my first half-marathon on October 1.  That gives me a little over five months to get cracking.  It's a tall order.  I hope to be able to finish the entire thing in less than 3 hours, although my real goal is 2 1/2 hours.  I am okay if I have to do the run walk run method, although I would like to run the entire thing while keeping about a ten minute pace.

Can I do it?  We'll see, but at least I can say that I tried and did it.  It's amazing what you can do when you push yourself. I've never been one to work out.  I mean, I love dancing.  Yoga is awesome.  But working out?  Hitting the gym where you are judged by the stereotypical muscle meat heads who do nothing but gawk at half-naked girls and look at themselves admiringly in the mirror, yea, that's not my scene.  But once I started running, I decided to try Krav Maga and that lead to boot camp, and voila, I was doing things that I never dreamt I could do in a million years.  I have missed working out so voraciously the last four months or so, but am that much more excited to get to it.

I have taken up spinning, as many of you know, and that is pure heaven!  I love pushing myself.  I love it even more when Chad is on one side, and Jenny and Aki are on the other.  It's so sweet!

So we're going to get back into the groove and to help me push myself, I've ordered Shaun T's Insanity workout!  Cannot wait.

Stay tuned...